Friday, 31 January 2014

Final decision on names for music magazine

I have sent out a survey to 5 people to find out which name they prefer for my magazine. I have made sure that they are in the age range of 17-18 year olds so that I can get feedback from my target audience. I have also made sure that I have given people background information on my magazine and the type of genre I would like to make it.

Here are the results on people's preferred magazine name:

As you can see from these results both 'Buzz' and 'Gracioso' have only received 20% of the votes whereas 'Amplify' is the most popular with 60%  Overall I think that I prefer the name 'Amplify' as it is related to music, the word amplify is used to make music loud. This represents my magazine as I want it to be big and loud so that people are attracted to it. I feel that this name will attract both a male and female audience so the magazine can suit anyone.

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