Now I have decided on the music genre for my magazine I need to think about the colour scheme. This is very important as it will intrigue the audience into wanting to read the magazine. However I need to think carefully about the colour scheme so that its suitable for both a male and female audience.
I really like the colours grey,white and red for my magazine as it suits an alternative genre. The red and white fonts really compliment the grey background, with the red font highlighitng the important articles which are included in the magazine. The central image is also in black and white which really accentuates the text on the page.
Here is another front cover of a popular music magazine which has a similar colour scheme. The red font is used as the masthead aswell as the main headline, personally I dont like that the two most important conventions on a front cover are both the same colour as it seems bland. However the white font does break it up but because the central image includes a lot of white, the font can occasioanlly look lost.
Here is another magazine which is more focused on the pop genre, I think the idea of the masthead is really intriguing which could suit my alternative music magazine I like the idea of two of the letters being filled in different colours, after doing some more research this is a trademark of the magazine as on every front cover two of the letters are filled in. This makes the magazine very specific and it would be easy for a reader to differentiate that magazine from another one. This could be a good device which I could use for my magazine as it is very specific
After some research I have decided that I would like my music magazine to have a colour scheme of red, white and grey. I think this really compliments the alternative genre which I will be channelling throughout the process. Below is a mood board of some images which I have found inspiring whilst deciding on the colour scheme.