Thursday, 5 December 2013

NME contents page analysis

To get an understanding on the kind of contents page I wish to include I'm going to analyse a popular music magazine's contents page. First of all the masthead, the title of the magazine 'NME' is in red, this stand out from the rest of the magazine as most of the contents page is black and white. The font is bold and all the same size so that it stands out when you turn over from the front cover to the contents page. The use of the colours black, white and red initially gives you the understanding that the magazine is going to be focusing on the genre of rock.

The central image is in-keeping with the sub-heading which is great as it shows what the magazine is going to include. The contents page is split up with boxes to make is easier to understand what is inside, the headings are all bold so that you can easily find what you want when looking at the contents page. There is a puff in the bottom right hand corner it is in a red box which contrasts with the predominantly black and white page. It draws attention to one of the main stories which will be in the magazine where it is trying to promote different elements of the magazine.

There are different sized fonts on the page which varies the importance of the stories as the larger fonts seem to include the better stories. As Arctic Monkeys is one of the main stories the heading is a lot bigger which the magazine wants to emphasise. The contents page also includes promotional deals about subscription in a box of its own to make it seem important with some of the font being yellow it contrasts with the black, white and red colour scheme so that people automatically read it.

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